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At present

Encounter between UPV/EHU and CIC Energigune

First publication date: 12/05/2014

On May 12, at 9 am, in the Videoconference room of Lascaray Research Center is going to take place the first meeting between UPV/EHU-Campus of Alava and CIC Energigune



9 am- Brief presentation by:

  • Javier Garaizar, Xabier Sancho  y Mailo Virto, in representation of UPV/EHU,
  • Jesus María Goiri, Managing director of CIC Energigune

9:15 am- Speeches of Lascaray Research Center and Faculty of Pharmacy:

  • Ramón Barrio
  • Patxi Palacios
  • Idoia Ruiz de Larramendi

10 am- Speeches of CIC Energigune:

  • José Manuel Castellanos, Director of corporate development
  • Teófilo Rojo y Bruno D'Aguanno, Scientific directors

11:30 am- Coffee

12 am- Speeches of engineering School (IngeIntervenciones por parte de la Escuela de Ingenieria (aproximately 5 minutes each one):

  • Unai Fernández Gámiz
  • José Manuel López Guede
  • Ekaitz Zulueta
  • Isidro Calvo
  • Josean Ramos
  • Estíbaliz Apiñániz
  • Ángel García Adeva

13:30 am- Visit to the Lascaray Research Center

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