Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV/EHU, where you will find information about our undergraduate and postgraduate studies, research, international students and services.
Greetings from Dean Esther Domínguez

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the Basque Country, a centre with a wide selection of Undergraduate Degrees in scientific and technical areas (Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Physics, Geology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering , Electronic Engineering and Doble BS in Physics and Electronics Engineering), which offers its students highly focussed, quality education. The full-time dedication to education and research work of its teaching staff, largely doctors, consolidates a highly qualified pedagogical team covering a wide spectrum of areas of knowledge. It is thanks to such qualified staff that we can provide quality teaching strongly focussed on learning to do, making it easier for our graduates to find a place in the job market. The holding of company placements during the last year of their studies therefore constitutes one of the key aims of policy at the Centre.
On the other, at the Faculty of Science and Technology 12 official Masters and 5 own Masters are taught and extensive research activity is developed, leading the way in scientific-technological production and the training of research staff both at university and in Basque society. In the most applicable cases, the research work carried out is transferred to the industrial sector, final destination of the majority of our graduates.
Lastly, in December 2006, the Faculty was awarded the Silver Q for quality by the Basque Government as external recognition of our management model based on the application of continuous improvement criteria.
Recently, the Faculty of Science and Technology obtained the Basque Silver A Award to Advanced Management 2016, after passing successfully the external evaluation of the management system, carried out by the Euskalit Foundation.
Esther Domínguez
Dean Faculty