Polimer science 2007

Publicaciones del grupo de ciencia de los polímeros

  1. A. GONZALEZ, S. ECEOLAZA, A. ETXEBERRIA and J.J. IRUIN. "Diffusivity of ethylene and propylene in Atactic and isotactic polypropylene: Morphology effects and free-volume simulations". JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 104, 3871-3878 (2007).

  2. A. GARCIA, S. ECEOLAZA, M. IRIARTE, C. URIARTE AND A. ETXEBERRIA. "Barrier character improvement of an amorphous polyamide (Trogamid) by the addition of a nanoclay". JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 301, 190-199 (2007).

  3. A. REKONDO, M.J. FERNANDEZ-BERRIDI and L. IRUSTA. "Photooxidation and stabilization of silanised poly(ether-urethane) hybrid systems". POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 92, 2173-2180 (2007).