Asset Publisher

KT4eTRANS: Key technologies for new concepts of urban electric transport. KK-2015/00047 (1st stage), KK-2016/00061 (2nd stage)

from 2015 to 2017
Financing entity:
Basque Government (ELKARTEK program)

The objective of this project is to research new concepts for the electrified city-mobility, conceiving new urban transport vehicles based on future mobility necessities and services for the “Smart city” network. It emphasizes on the following technologies: ultra-rapid recharge and the infrastructure needed to integrate it to the electric-grid, new generation energy-storage technologies for interurban environment, embedded electronics for powertrain and advanced traction, and predictive maintenance. The consortium is headed by CREATIO – IRIZAR GROUP INNIVATION CENTER IAE, and formed by TECNALIA, CEIT, CIDETEC and APERT Group (University of the Basque Country). The particular objective of the APERT Group is to maximize the energy density of the propulsion system, by developing new and optimum refrigeration solutions for the power stage.