Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

ES17_Physicochemistry of Surfaces and Nanostructures_Joseba Iñaki Juaristi

Joseba Iñaki Juaristi


Group description

The group is mainly focused on the theoretical study of the structural and electronic properties of surfaces and nanostructures. One of the interests of the group consists in the detailed analysis of the dynamics of the interaction between atoms/molecules and metallic surfaces. The relevance of the study of the elemental processes that arise at the gas / solid interface, such as adsorption, dissociation or recombination of atoms and molecules, is manifested in the fact that they are present not only in our daily life but also in a large part of our current industry. The oxidation and corrosion of the surfaces, the catalysts used in automobiles in order to reduce the harmful emission of gases, the impurities present in semiconductor surfaces, or the industrial production of most synthetic compounds, are good examples of the importance of these elementary processes. The study of these systems is carried out by using ab-initio methods to describe the interaction between the gas phase and the surface. On the other hand, the dynamic study of the processes includes the detailed analysis of the phononic and electronic excitations of the material. In addition to the gas / surface interaction, the interaction of aqueous phases with, in this case, mineral surfaces is also studied. Using  Monte Carlo kinetic and/or molecular dynamics calculations, experimental measurements about the dissolution of these surfaces are characterized and understood. Other nanostructured systems of interest are two-dimensional materials such as organometallic coordination networks, topological insulators or graphene. In particular, and in relation to their interest in the field of spintronics, various phenomena related to the magnetic properties of these systems are studied by abinithio methods. Another important part of the work of the group is devoted to the theoretical study of the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with matter. This study is part of the general project 'Attosecond Physics', considered one of the 10 flagship projects and initiatives of the PCTI Euskadi 2020. In this sense, new theoretical tools based on formalisms used in quantum chemistry are being developed to study the dynamics of electrons in solids, surfaces and nanostructures on the attosecond scale which is the time scale of chemical reactions.


  • Gas/surface reactions
  • Advanced materials
  • Nanostructures
  • Clean energy
  • femtochemistry
  • Attosecond physics
  • Nanomagnetism and spintronics
  • Graphene
  • Abinitio molecular dynamics
  • Density functional theory

Team Description

  • Joseba Iñaki Juaristi Oliden (Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: Joseba Iñaki Juaristi Oliden

  • Andrés Arnau Pino (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-5281-3212

  • Andrés Ayuela Fernández (Research staff)

  • Ane Sarasola Iñiguez (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-9193-2185

  • Daniel Sánchez Portal (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-6860-8790

  • Evgueni Vladimirovic Tchoulkov Savkin (Research staff)

  • Jorge Sánchez Dolado (Research staff)

  • Maite Alducin Ochoa (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-1264-7034

  • Pedro Miguel Echenique Landiribar (Research staff)

  • Ricardo Díez Muiño (Research staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8593-0327



    Pl: Maite Alducin Ochoa y Ricardo Dïez Muiño

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

  • Vibraciones y magnetismo en sistemas nanoscopicos con acoplamiento spin-orbita

    Pl: Andrés Arnau Pino

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: MINECOG19/P28

  • Teoría de propiedades electrónicas, topológicas, magnéticas y vibracionales de nanosistemas moleculares funcionales (PID2019-107338RB-C66)

    Pl: Daniel Sánchez Portal

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

  • Propiedades estructurales, electronicas y magneticas de sistemas en la escala nanometrica

    Pl: Andrés Arnau Pino

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: no

    Project reference: MINECOG16/P51


    Pl: Ricardo Díez Muiño y Maite Alducin Ochoa

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: no

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • Alducin,M; Camillone,N; Hong,SY; Juaristi,JI, Electrons and Phonons Cooperate in the Laser-Induced Desorption of CO from Pd(111), Physical Review Letters, 2019

  • Novko,D; Tremblay,JC; Alducin,M; Juaristi,JI, Ultrafast Transient Dynamics of Adsorbates on Surfaces Deciphered: The Case of CO on Cu(100), Physical Review Letters, 2019

  • Otrokov,MM; Rusinov,IP; Blanco-Rey,M; Hoffmann,M; Vyazovskaya,AY; Eremeev,SV; Ernst,A; Echenique,PM; Arnau,A; Chulkov,EV, Unique Thickness-Dependent Properties of the van der Waals Interlayer Antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 Films, Physical Review Letters, 2019

  • Niklas Friedrich, Pedro Brandimarte, Jingcheng Li, Shohei Saito, Shigehiro Yamaguchi, Iago Pozo, Diego Peña, Thomas Frederiksen, Aran Garcia-Lekue, Daniel Sánchez-Portal, José Ignacio Pascual, Magnetism of topological boundary states induced by boron substitution in graphene nanoribbons, Physical Review Letters, 2020

  • Barragan,A; Sarasola,A; Vitali,L, Anisotropic Electron Conductance Driven by Reaction Byproducts on a Porous Network of Dibromobenzothiadiazole on Cu(110), Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2020

Research Lines


  • We plan to perform abinitio based dynamics simulations of the interaction of different gas species with solid surfaces and nanostructures in order to understand the chemical processes that can take place. Among the different systems under study, we propose to focus on the laser induced femtochemstry of CO and CO2 on metallic surfaces. The study of the chemistry of CO and CO2 on different environments is of the utmost relevance in relation to the reduction of greenhouse gases and the production of clean energy. Additionally, we propose to study the dissociation of Hydrogen in Pd clusters deposited on graphene. In particular, we intend to discover under what conditions it is possible that the hydrogen dissociated in the metallic aggregate can be transferred to the graphene. The objective is to gain knowledge that can find applications for the storage of Hydrogen and its use as clean fuel.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

Members of the research group have recently led the creation of the Cross-Border Cooperation Laboratory (LTC - Laboratoire Transfrontelier Conjoint) between the University of Bordeaux (UBx), the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and the Donostia International Physics Center ( DIPC). This international laboratory called "Theoretical Chemistry and Physics at the Quantum Scale (" QuantumChemPhys ", is coordinated by Ricardo Díez Muiño (member of the research group) and Pascal Larregaray (University of Bordeaux) . The QuantumChemPhys laboratory has been designed to strengthen scientific collaboration between researchers from the Basque Country and the region through the creation of a transnational institution. The QuantumChemPhys laboratory serves as an efficient tool to provide more structure to this research area in the context of the EuroRegion Aquitania-Euskadi. The scientific activity focuses on theoretical aspects of chemistry and physics at the quantum scale, that is, the quantitative description of the movement of electrons and nucleons (and their coupling) in solids, gas interfaces -solid, as well as in the interaction with light. In the framework of QuantumChemPhys laboratory, since 2016, already 4 PhD Thesis have been defended in co-tutelage regime that were supervised by members of the group and researchers from the University of Bordeaux.