Research areas

Research areas

Applications should be related to one of the following five areas within the general field of Advanced Manufacturing:

  • Advanced Materials And Processes
  • Intelligent, Flexible & Efficient Production Systems
  • Digital And Connected Factory
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainable Manufacturing

Each area has one or more Host Groups assigned from both Host Universities (see next section “Host Groups”). Each Host Group provides a detailed summary of their previous expertise, their current activity, and their specific research lines within the ADAGIO project.

For the allocation of the fellowship positions, the order of priority of candidates established in the final scoring list from the independent evaluators will be respected. If feasible, the assignment of the candidates will be limited to no more than two candidates per hosting group, respecting as far as possible the original group choices of the candidates.
Please contact the Principle Investigator of your chosen Host Group(s) in order to ensure that your project proposal is relevant to the group's research lines, thereby maximizing the value of your project.