Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

FR19_ART BioPrint_Jean-Christophe Fricain / Hugo Oliveira

Jean-Christophe Fricain / Hugo Oliveira

+33 557574623

Group description

The ART BioPrint ( is an Inserm structure embedded in a research unit specialized in Tissue Engineering (BioTis, Inserm U1026, Université de Bordeaux), and under the governance of Prof. Jean-Christophe Fricain. Inaugurated in 2017, its multidisciplinary team comprises 7 engineers, and 2 PhD students.

The main objectives of this ART are to 1) to develop a training and biofabrication structure by 3D printing at the disposal of Inserm laboratories at the national level and to make it a reference centre in 3D bioprinting, 2) to accelerate the creation of tissue models for research and for applications in regenerative medicine, 3) to deploy 3D bioprinting technologies at the service of fundamental research and the pharmaceutical industry, 4) to create added value for the technological developments and results obtained, by the creation of patents and of publications.

The ART BioPrint is organized in 4 major poles of scientific activity:

  • a cell production pole: e.g. culture of primary cells of human/murin origin, cell lines, iPSCs and the generation of reporter cells for all ongoing projects.
  • a cluster of bioink production, considering photopolymerizable extracellular matrix-derived bioinks (e.g. collagen-, hyaluronic acid-, laminin-derived), designed to be optically transparent, tailored for optimal bioprinting and rheological properties, and customized to enable cell maturation (e.g. bioinks formulated to stimulate angiogenesis and neurogenesis, or designed for liver tissue engineering, etc)..
  • A cluster of bioprinters sustained by dedicated engineers on laser assisted-bioprinting, microextrusion, inkjet and stereolithography bioprinting. The following bioprinters are available on site: - Modular platforms (3DDiscovery, RegenHU and a BioX, Cellink), equipped with several extrusion (50-100μm resolution depending on the printing conditions) and inkjet (microdrop) (50μm resolution and cell viability> 95%) printing heads. These platforms can print cell structures from several μm to cm in scale, within multiwell culture plates.
  • Three laser-assisted printing platforms (Novalase, Modulab and NGBR, Poietis) that can print cells with high accuracy (up to 20μm resolution) and speed (1-10 kHz), while maintaining high cell viability (> 95%).
  • A stereolithography bioprinter (LUMEN X+, DLP, Cellink) (50μm pixel resolution), which can quickly print cell-laden scaffolds and also allows for the rapid production of custom-designed microfluidic channels. Also, standard 3D printing machines and software are available.
  • Biological evaluation of 3D bioprinted models (e.g. perfused tissues, organoids/spheroids, and cancer models) is performed using imagery systems (timelapse, confocal), histological, molecular biology, and biochemistry analysis.

This research structure is active in the training and technological deployment of the bioprinting technology at the French and European level. Currently more than 18 projects are ongoing, focusing on the development of cancer models (breast, glioblastoma, pancreas), on several pathological models, for regenerative medicine applications and on tools and technologies, at the national and European level.  


  • Bioprinting
  • Biofabrication
  • Tissue engineering
  • Bioinks
  • Tissue models
  • Cancer models
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Tissue on chips
  • Laser-assisted fabrication

Team Description

  • FRICAIN Jean-Christophe (Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-7855-6437

  • OLIVEIRA Hugo (Co-Principal Investigator)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9715-8052

  • DUSSERRE Nathalie (Research Staff)

    ORCID: 0000-0002-4699-3365

  • HANDSCHIN Charles (Research Staff)

    ORCID: -

  • STACHOWICZ Marie-Laure (Research Staff)

    ORCID: -

  • MEDINA Chantal (Research staff)

    ORCID: -

  • COMPERAT Leo (Research staff)

    ORCID: -

  • LAVIGNASSE Julie (Research staff)

    ORCID: -


  • Novel bioprinting approaches for the creation of advanced pancreatic cancer initiation models

    Pl: OLIVEIRA Hugo

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • Development of a 3D in vitro model to mimic the osseo- and soft tissue-integration process of dental implants

    Pl: CATROS Sylvain

    Funding Agency*: National

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • cmRNABone (3D Printed-matrix assited chemically modified RNAs Bone Regenerative Therapy for Trauma and Osteoporotic Patients)

    Pl: STODDART Martin (SWZ)

    Funding Agency*: European Commission

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • FORCEREPAIR: Smart and multifunctional 4D printable pro-regenerative biological matrix modultiong mechanotransduction as advanced therapy to treat skin chronic wounds

    Pl: DUPIN Damien

    Funding Agency*: European Commission

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

  • SINPAIN: A game changer for the treatment of osteoarthritis: a cost effective combined advanced therapy to treat knee osteoarthritis

    Pl: DUPIN Damien

    Funding Agency*: European Commission

    Ongoing: yes

    Project reference: -

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • Camille Douillet, Marc Nicodeme, Loïc Hermant, Vanessa Bergeron, Fabien Guillemot, Jean-Christophe Fricain, Hugo Oliveira, Mikael Garcia, From local to global matrix organization by fibroblasts: a 4D laser-assisted bioprinting approach, Biofabrication, 2022

  • H Oliveira, C Médina, G Labrunie, N Dusserre, S Catros, L Magnan, C Handschin, ML Stachowicz, JC Fricain, N L’Heureux, Cell-assembled extracellular matrix (CAM): a human biopaper for the biofabrication of pre-vascularized tissues able to connect to the host circulation in vivo, Biofabrication, 2021

  • Hugo Oliveira, Chantal Médina, Marie-Laure Stachowicz, Bruno Paiva dos Santos, Lise Chagot, Nathalie Dusserre, Jean-Christophe Fricain, Extracellular matrix (ECM)-derived bioinks designed to foster vasculogenesis and neurite outgrowth: Characterization and bioprinting, Bioprinting, 2021

  • Marie Cuvellier, Frédéric Ezan, Hugo Oliveira, Sophie Rose, Jean-Christophe Fricain, Sophie Langouët, Vincent Legagneux, Georges Baffet, 3D culture of HepaRG cells in GelMa and its application to bioprinting of a multicellular hepatic model, Biomaterials, 2021

  • Davit Hakobyan, Chantal Médina, Nathalie Dusserre, Marie-Laure Stachowicz, Charles Handschin, Jean-Christophe Fricain, Julie Guillermet-Guibert, Hugo Oliveira, Laser-assisted 3D bioprinting of exocrine pancreas spheroid models for cancer initiation study, Biofabrication, 2020

Research Lines


Currently, two main applications for bioprinting can be considered:

  1. in the fabrication of advanced pathophysiological in vitro models that can reduce/replace animal experimentation. Particularly a main focus is being drawn on cancer research and on the development of preclinical tools that can enable to screen new anticancer treatments, enable the research of new mechanistic pathways and/or be used as personalised medicine tools.
  2. for tissue engineering applications. In line with the growing trend in the use of robotic surgery (9 different FDA approved robotic technologies are currently commercially available). The rise of robots for assisting surgery is now a reality and their integration with current clinical approaches is moving at a fast pace. As such, the integration of advanced cellular therapies and tissue engineering technologies to robotic-assisted surgery platforms is the next expected evolution step in terms of innovation. Bioprinting approaches have the potential to provide the surgeon to accommodate advanced cellular therapies in a clinical scenario, with an integrative automated process, relevant from a regulatory perspective.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

Currently, we have three European projects where a collaboration is established with a research entity in the Spanish Basque country, namely CIDETEC (San Sebastien, ES). The projects are mainly focused on tissue engineering applications for the regeneration of bone, cartilage and skin, respectively. Our main import considers our expertise in bioprinting, on microfluidic-based tissue on chips, on biomaterial development and on in vitro and in vivo models. The synergy already established with CIDETEC will enable us to widen our application scope, in terms of tissue and complexity, and to go further in terms of the material production in view of preclinical validation. Other prospects in terms of future collaborations are envisaged in the following thematics: a) on the creation of novel physio pathological models (e.g. cancer models), where biofabrication has a great potential to reproduce complex tissue, and in possible collaboration with CIC  Biogune (Bilbao); b) following our expertise on tissue fabrication and regenerative medicine we envisage to create new bridges with potential novel collaborators in the Basque country , CIC Biomagune (San Sebastien), focusing on the establishment of novel advanced biomaterials that can be bioprinted and that can modulate cell maturation.