Partner organisations

Partner organisations


The following list shows the Partner Organisations (PO) that have agreed to form part of the ADAGIO project. Each PO offers specific training opportunities in their field of expertise to the ADAGIO fellows. Specific information can be found within each of the partner descriptions. More information is also available on the POs' websites.

ADAGIO fellows will be strongly encouraged to carry out secondments for a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum period of 12 months in one of the partner organisations listed below, or in another partner organisation suggested by the fellow (and approved by the ADAGIO programme) that can be included at any time during the implementation of their project.

The secondment period can be extended if considered beneficial to the fellow’s research.

Asset Publisher


We are experts in software development, primarily specialized in the field of autonomous mobile robotics. Our core business focuses on the development of software solutions for the IoT (Internet of Things) domain. We have developed a software application called ISI designed to change the relationship between humans and robot systems.

AKEROS can be part of Adagio : by building industry-specific software, with transverse issues such as communication between entities (both software and hardware), intuitive visual rendering, adding specialized bricks for autonomous movement, advanced image recognition, data integrity.