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Equipment of the month:CPMS QQQ Mass spectrometry with inductive coupling plasma with triple quadrupole analyzer.

Mass spectrometry with inductive coupling plasma with triple quadrupole analyzer.


A mass spectrometry system with inductive coupling plasma (ICPMS) is able to determine almost all the elements present in the periodic table, there are certain limitations due to the interference generated for some elements.
In this new ICPMS system with triple quadrupole analyzer there is an exclusive tandem mass configuration in order to control the chemistry of the reaction and therefore the generated interferences.
In the design of this analyzer a collision / reaction cell and a quadrupole have been introduced that allow the acquisition of data in MS / MS mode.

The system uses a gas controller of up to 4 channels to provide greater flexibility in methods and more efficient and consistent interference control. The sample introduction can be performed in a standard way, using the UHMI system that allows the direct analysis of samples with high dissolved solids content, by prior chromatography separation (HPLC, speciation) and even allows the direct introduction of solid samples using a laser ablation system (LA).


The new ICPMS QQQ system offers numerous configurations that allow working in both routine analysis and advanced research. Therefore, applications with this equipment have been extended to new fields of analysis such as the determination at low levels of historically problematic elements, the separation of direct isobaric overlays and rapid trace analysis for new nano-scale materials. Note the following applications

  • Exact quantification of unknown proteins and peptides, using the MS / MS mode to measure sulfur and phosphorus heterolements.
  • Certification of raw materials with lower levels of rare earth pollutants.
  • Greater accuracy in the measurement of both arsenic and selenium at low levels in all food samples.
  • Measurement and characterization of nanoparticles in biological systems, food and environment
  • Precise analysis of sulfur and isotopic sulfur ratios by MS / MS
  • Isobaric overlap resolution
  • Etc ...


  • University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
  • Edificio Lucio Lascaray (CIEA)
  • Miguel de Unamuno, 3 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)


Scientific-technician responsible for the service:

Ph.D. Ramón Barrio

  • Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry. Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Phone.: 94 501 3055
  • E-mail:

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