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EIC: English for International Congresses


  • To be registered in a Doctoral Program 1st year, course 14/15
  • To have at least B2 English level (candidates must present a certificate)
  • Participants must attend all classes for the final assessment and the course certificate

Course content:

  • AUTHENTIC ACADEMIC TEXTS produced by the participants. These might include articles, abstracts and current papers that attendees are working on. Main focus however on PPTS or Prezis produced for use at International Congresses (medium of English).
  • LIVE POSTER SESSION (Recorded) preparation of Posters. Simulation of Congress Meeting. Participants visit Poster displays, explaining their research projects to other participants.
  • LIVE PRESENTATIONS (Recorded) of Presentations given by actual participants based on PPTs or Prezis supplied

Visual materials work:

  • Prezi Training Sessions
  • The Production of Dynamic, Accurate and Reduced Text
  • Citation Norms and Presentation
  • Dynamic PPTs or Prezis. Sufficient but not overwhelming

Performance work:

  • Voice Projection Sessions – Paused Delivery, Breathing Control (Diaphragm Training), Relaxation Techniques
  • Public Speaking Skills – ‘Best Practice' Body Language Sessions, Effective Prosody, Segmental Phonological Intelligibility (Focus on Cognates / Citation of Authors)
  • High Frequency Congress Speak – Analysis and Practice: ‘Knowing what to Expect'

Teachers from nextlingo:

  • Hywel Llewelyn: Course Co-ordinator. A Phonologist specialising in the segmental analysis of non-native speaker speech production. Focus on best practice, ‘comfortable intelligibility' pronunciation
  • Madeleine Canon: A Voice Projection and Acting Coach, a professional who has been commissioned to work for BBC radio.
  • Laura Bray: English for Academic Purposes Specialist. Focuses on preparation and production of Academic materials.
  • Terrell Montgomery: English for Specific Purposes Specialist. Has a 'Financial English' professional background. Has been teaching, both text and structure.


Lugar Fecha Horario
Donostia Aula 4
Edificio Carlos Santamaría
April 14th to June 16th Tuesdays
Leioa Escuela de Máster y Doctorado.
Edificio Biblioteca Central, 1ª planta, aula 6B
April 15th to June 17th Wednesdays


40 hours

Group size:

15 participants per course
