Asset Publisher

Sensor interface for Cyber-Physical-Production-System (ISCPPS)

Company / Centre:
from 2015 to 2016

The proposed project addresses the problem of including interfaces to a Cyber-Physical-Production-System (CPPS) oriented to the Industrial Sector. This product will provide intelligent pre-processing and network connection (plant, internet and Cloud) to the sensors, actuators and machines of an industrial plant.

The Internet-of-the-Things (IoT) concept is being gradually incorporated into the Industrial Sector. The ultimate goal of this incorporation is the optimization of production processes in order to improve competitiveness and in short increase the profit. This evolution, which goes through the massive, interconnected, modeled, intelligent and "real-time" use of data is contemplated in the Industrie 4.0 concept. This new evolution in the industry is based on incorporating Information Technology (IT) in a coordinated way and in the combination of heterogeneous systems of exchange and data processing. The ultimate objective is to obtain useful information for the improvement of the productive system.

Some of the concepts and technologies, such as Wireless networks and Ethernet-based communications, used in other SMART environments (eg. SMART-CITIES) can be used directly in the industry. However, it is necessary to consider the particular casuistry of the sector to offer solutions that are fully accepted by the agents involved in the same. These keys are: Real Time-RT, Interoperability-Standardization, Flexibility, Security and Cybersecurity.