mathematics at school

Mathematics at School: Teachers, Students, Technology and Assessment

Scope of the special session

In this special session, we will focus on different variables influencing the mathematics teaching- learning process. The meeting is organized around four topics. The first part will be devoted to presentations of different theoretical models related to teachers' professional activity and professional development. The second part will be devoted to presentations analysing aspects of the use of technology in the mathematics classrooms, to show that, for each mathematical content and each student, there is a kind of computer environment that may help the student learn the content. The third and fourth parts of the special session will have the format of panels. In the third session, panellists will present different didactical theoretical models useful to analyse students' problem solving productions; from the presentations, it will be evident that the theoretical models focus on complementary aspects of problem solving processes and offer different viewpoints. Finally, the fourth session will be devoted to analyse the possible influence of national or international external assessments of students' performance on the daily activity of teachers and students.


  • Ángel Gutiérrez (University of Valencia, Spain)
  • Ornella Robutti (University of Turin, Italy) -

Abstracts and schedule

Below you can download the schedule and the abstracts of all talks of this special session.


  • Gilles Aldon (ENS Lyon, France)

           An example of meta-didactical transposition from France: the Pairform@nce project

  • Berta Barquero (University of Barcelona, Spain), Marianna Bosch (Ramon Llull University, Spain), Javier García (University of Jaén, Spain), Josep Gascón (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)

           The SRP-TPD project: a proposal for teachers professional development from the anthropological theory of the didactic

  • Giorgio Bolondi, Federica Ferretti (University of Bologna, Italy), Laura Branchetti (University of Palermo, Italy), Rossella Garuti (Intendenza scolastica italiana Bolzano, Italy)

          National and international assessments as a tool for teacher training

  • Alberto Crescentini, Miriam Salvisberg, Silvia Sbaragli, Giovanna Zanolla (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)

          Standardized test in Switzerland: discussion of process and results

  • Annalisa Cusi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy), Francesca Martignone (University of Western Piedmont, Italy), Cristina Sabena (University of Turin, Italy)

           The MDT model as a tool to highlight fundamental features of teacher education processes

  • Michiel Doorman (Freudenthal Institute, The Netherlands)

           The Realistic Mathematics Education

  • Francesca Ferrara (University of Turin, Italy), Maria Flavia Mammana (University of Catania, Italy)

           Unfolding 3D stories from 2D mathematical diagrams using dynamic geometry

  • Angel Gutiérrez, Adela Jaime (University of Valencia, Spain)

           The use of technology to teach mathematically gifted students

  • Raquel Mallavibarrena (President of the RSME Education Commission, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)

           Standardized assessments and the teaching and learning of mathematics: some facts and proposals

  • Francesca Morselli (University of Turin, Italy), Manuel Goizueta (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)

           Theoretical approaches to mathematics education: the construct of rationality and its integration with other theories

  • Teresa Neto (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

           Design and analysis of tasks: An onto-semiotic approach

  • Elisabetta Robotti (University of Aosta Valley, Italy), Elisabetta Ferrando (University of Genova, Italy)

           Technologies for the learning of algebra with dyscalculic students

  • Ornella Robutti, Ferdinando Arzarello (University of Turin, Italy), Rossella Garuti (Intendenza scolastica italiana Bolzano, Italy)

           The MDT Model and its main components