inf_calendario lectivo

School calendar

ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025:

Start: 9 September 2024.

First four-month period: from 9 September to 20 December 2024 (both inclusive).

Winter holidays: from 21 December 2024 to 6 January 2025 (both inclusive).

Ordinary term for registration for the first four-month period: From 7 to 24 January 2025.

Second four-month period: from 27 January to 16 May 2025 (both inclusive).

Spring holidays: from 17 April to 27 April 2025 (both inclusive).

Ordinary term for registration 2nd four-month period: from 19 May to 6 June 2025 (both inclusive).

Extraordinary term for registration: from 16 June to 4 July 2025 (both inclusive).


15 November 2024. Festival of the centre for the feast day of Albertus Magnus, patron saint of the centre.

The local and regional holidays set by the Basque Government and those approved in the labour calendar of the UPV/EHU are also considered holidays.