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Sara Caicedo defended her Master Project

First publication date: 16/07/2021

The 16th of June, Sara Caicedo, Master student in our group, defended with great success her Master tesis entitled: Rapid cytotoxicity device: development and commercial prospects, (Supervisors: Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts, Fernando Benito-López, Alba Calatayud-Sánchez and Tutor: Yuliya Kasperskaya Riabenko). It deals with the optimization of the SCADA* technology by designing, fabricating and testing a functional microfluidic cartridge.

*SCADA (Single Cell Adhesion Dot Array) is a method for the direct and simple quantification of cell adhesion. It enables the digital counting with single cell resolution and can be adapted to different cellular systems and different types of assays.