Artzai Gaspar Arraiza

Artzai Gaspar Arraiza

(Department of Education Sciences)

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Additional information

Artzai Gaspar Arraiza has got a Primary Teacher degree specialized in Reading and Library Encouragement (UPV/EHU). Afterwards, he studied the European Master in Multilingualism and Education at the University of the Basque Country. We worked as teacher of Primary Education and as a teacher of Basque in AEK. He joined the DREAM research group to work as a contracted researcher (PIC) in the European project Linguistically Sensitive Teaching In All Classrooms (LISTIAC) and in the Pedagogical Translanguaging in the Curriculum (PeTransCur) project.

Currently, he is working as a predoctoral researcher after obtaining an FPU contract (Ayudas para la Formación del Profesorado Universitario, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities). He is developing a doctoral thesis entitled "The integration of languages and content in Secondary Education in multilingual educational contexts: a pedagogical intervention", under the supervision of Dr. Jasone Cenoz. His thesis aims to analyse the benefits of pedagogical translanguaging in the linguistic, metalinguistic and curricular development of students in CLIL educational contexts.

His main interests are focused on: translanguaging, multilingual education and European minority languages