
Doctoral Programme in Education: School, Language and Society

Two students of the Doctoral programme

In the current context it becomes increasingly necessary to conduct research in areas covered by this programme. The aim of this PhD is to influence the practices of intervention, vocational training and a better knowledge of the educational reality. In the field of "School", emerging lines and trends point to the study of factors associated with academic performance and the design and evaluation of improvement programmes for centres and systems, the impact of new techniques, in addition to the quality of education and teacher training.

In the field of "Language", the increasing use of English as the language for international communication, together with the phenomenon of immigration and the use of minority languages, creates the need to train researchers in multilingualism in educational contexts and other social areas.

As regards the scope of "Society", needs in socio-educational intervention (interculturality, inclusive education, family, children, immigrant populations, etc.) require a process of reflection that can be favoured by educational research; linking it with agents, institutions, or professional training.

This Doctoral Programme aims to address research in education from a broad perspective.

This qualification is recognised at level 4 in the Spanish Framework of Higher Education Qualifications (MECES) and corresponds to level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), according to Royal Decree 22/2015 of 23rd January 2015 (BOE Spanish Official Gazette 07/02/2015).