BIOMAT-biopolymeric materials

Biomat takes a bite out of carbon footprint. Biomat reduces environmental impact by valorising industrial waste, introducing biodegradable materials in the production of different products, such as batteries.
The BIDEKO project consortium meets at BCMaterials to study the progress of the program. This project aims to create, through ecodesign, biodegradable and compostable batteries for precision agriculture and decentralized energy systems. Consequently, BIDEKO seeks to create a change in the current battery paradigm, moving from a single battery model for multiple uses to a tailor-made battery model. For this, from its initial conception, the requirements of the device that will feed the battery will be taken into account. And all this with a life cycle perspective based on the circular economy.
Koro de la Caba and Pedro Guerrero, Biomat researchers, ranked among Top 2% of world’s most-cited scientists. Stanford University (California, USA) has published the list 'Ranking of the World Scientists: World's Top 2 % Scientists', which identifies the most influential researchers in the world.
Progress in the development of biodegradable packaging. The Biomat group of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country and the company Yon Mikel Janariak are adapting the methodology for producing ready meals to the use of biodegradable packaging as a genuine alternative to plastic
Thanks to the progress made in producing biomaterials that can be processed by 3D printing developed by Biomat, and in acquiring and processing data for 3D printers carried out by Domotek, the biocompatibility of the products manufactured means that they can be used as tooling components or prostheses.
Bioplastics Magazine.Introducing innovative intelligent bioplastic packaging for liquid and oily products.
The value of marine waste. This line of research is offering a fresh take on plastics aligned with the principles of the circular economy.