Welcome to DOKe

At the UPV/EHU Doctoral School (DOKe), you can choose from between 67 doctoral programmes covering all areas of knowledge to prepare your thesis. You can also broaden your training at other national and international institutions (for example, by means of co-supervision agreements with other universities) and obtain several special mentions (industrial, international…) in the same doctoral thesis. All this makes studying for a Doctorate at the UPV/EHU a unique and valuable experience for our students, who we hope will play an important part in improving our society and strive to fulfil the sustainable development goals.
Around 4000 students study for a doctorate at the DOKe every year, and approximately 25% of them are from overseas. With this in mind, we have over 3000 internationally renowned researchers who supervise the doctoral theses, 43% of whom are from overseas.
We would like to invite you to check out our current offer, where you will find 15 doctoral programmes in Science, 16 in Engineering and Architecture, 10 in Health Sciences, 17 in Social and Legal Sciences, and 9 in Arts and Humanities.
The UPV/EHU doctoral programmes are connected with the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and they offer a unique and highly valuable experience.