EHUagenda 2030

EHUagenda for sustainable development
In September 2015 the UN General Assembly adopted Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, an action plan for people, the planet and prosperity, which also sets out to foster universal peace and access to justice. The agenda contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets for the year 2030.
The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), like other organisations, sees the SDGs as a route map to bring the university's work into line with the major challenges facing the planet and people, so that ‘no one will be left behind’.
EHUagenda 2030 for sustainable development (2019-2025) describes UPV/EHU's contribution to 12 of Agenda 2030's 17 SDGs, with the addition of its own commitment to linguistic and cultural diversity in SDG 17+1; and the sectoral plans this comprises (Campus Equality, Campus Inclusion and Campus Planet) and the refocus of its education model IKD i3 (ikaskuntza x ikerketa x iraunkortasuna [learning x research x sustainability]).
UPV/EHU panel for sustainable development indicators
The UPV/EHU panel of sustainable development indicators lists the technical aspects of follow-up of the EHUagenda 2030 and the working methodology to measure this, and UPV/EHU's current baseline with respect to achievement of the SDGs, in reference to data for the academic year 2017/18.