
NAPES project ID: 604241

Research project

Presentation deadline closed (01/12/2013 - 31/05/2017)


The current state-of-the-art for autonomous environmental instruments monitoring the chemical and biological status of our water is based on flow systems that employ conventional approaches to sample/liquid handling, which makes them prohibitively expensive (often in excess of €20,000 per unit) in terms of up-scaling deployments. This project will investigate ways to deliver revolutionary advances in liquid/sample handling combined with new approaches to performing sensitive in-situ analytical measurements. Our goal is to drive down the unit cost of these instruments by orders of magnitude to levels that can create a tipping point, at which the technology becomes ubiquitous.


Prof. Dermot Diamond (DCU)


IK4-Ikerlan (SP)
Dublin City University (IRL)
Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
Macromolecules and Microsystems in Biology and Medicine, Institut Curie (FR)
TE Laboratories Ltd (IRL)
Williams Industrial Services (UK)
University of Milan (IT)
Aquila Bioscience (IRL)
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (SP)