w_Cell Membrane Organization and Dynamics

Cell Membrane Organization and Dynamics

Biochemistry and molecular Biology department
Área(s) de la ciencia
IP: Adai Colom Co-IP:


Adai Colom / Marián Alonso / Andrea Merino

Palabras Clave

Cell membrane biophysics, protein dynamics, HS-AFM, FLIM


Description (800 characters maximum):

We aim to understand the role of membrane mechanics and protein dynamic involve in different cell process, especially, we are focus on immunological synapse, viral infection and ebriogenesis. We use a wide range of systems (in-vitro to embryos) and technics, particularly HS-AFM and Fast-FLIM.


1-A new approach to study the mechanochemistry of cellular processes at high spatio-tempral resolution.

2-Measure the forces involved during embryogenesis and tissue-tissue communication.

3-Insight on the spatiotemporal organization and mechanics of protein complexes during the formation of the immunological synapse and viral infection.

4- Apply our technology, especially FAST-FLIM, as a fast and cheap diagnosis tool in infection and tumorigenesis.

Líneas de Investigación

  1. Immunological synapse
  2. Membrane protein dynamics
  3. Cell membrane mechanics and dznamics


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