Courses of action

To achieve the described objectives, the Chair in International Studies will take different courses of action, of which the following stand out:

In the area of education and training:

  • Organisation of post-graduate courses and seminars on current international affairs.
  • Provide resources for the training and specialisation of qualified personnel through the annual offer of scholarships and grants for completing projects on topics relevant to the Chair.
  • Provide travel grants to promote shorts stays in other universities or centres and to support the attendance of courses and seminars on topics of interest to the Chair.

In the area of research:

  • Carry out research projects, both theoretical and applied, that correspond with the priorities set by the Steering Committee of the Chair and that are financed either with own funds or with other public or private funds.
  • Establish stable relations with other international and domestic centres to promote research groups and networks for collaboration and exchanges.
  • Exchange of knowledge and researchers between universities in the area of international studies.

In the area of dissemination and documentation:

  • Publish the research carried out by the Chair with a view to disseminating its results. 
  • Organise congresses and seminars on themes relevant for the research activities of the Chair.
  • Presence in international fora, networks and organizations to promote the sharing of experiences and develop aspects of common interest.
  • Create a Documentation Centre that holds documental and statistical information, serving as a specialised place of inquiry for researchers and experts in the areas of research of the Chair. 
  • Promote activities and contribute to disseminate to general society the results of the research carried out by the Chair.