
XSL Content

Fundamentals of Phonetics and Phonology

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

The main objective of the course is to offer students the background necessary to carry out phonetic-phonological work. The topics to be covered will be, among others, the main aspects of articulatory and acoustic phonetics, natural classes in phonology, underlying representations and derivational rules, syllabic structure, and suprasegmental phonology. Some of these topics will be presented in a historical context as well, so that students comprehend the most relevant phonological ideas and concepts on the subject and the state of current research on the subject. The presentations will always be based on empirical data from different languages, and a fundamental role will be played by practical exercises in phonetics and phonology.

The second main objective is to familiarize the student with Laboratory Phonology, a vision of phonology that aims to provide phonetic evidence to explain phonological phenomena of all sorts. Laboratory Phonology is couched in the branch of experimental linguistics: statement of an empirical research question, design of production/perception experiments, selection of subjects, recording / presentation of stimuli, acoustic / articulatory analysis, quantification of results and statistical analysis, interpretation of results, and extraction of conclusions. Ultimately, the final objective would be to ensure that the student could design an experimental of laboratory phonology that could be carried out in future courses.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
ELORDIETA ALCIBAR, GORKAUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualGeneral
JAUREGUI NAZABAL, OROITZUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualBasque


Discernir entre fenómenos fonéticos (acústicos y articulatorios) y fenómenos fonológicos y la relación de éstos con la morfología.25.0 %
comprender la variabilidad lingüística y extraer y formalizar las propiedades fonético-fonológicas de las distintas lenguas naturales.25.0 %
entender y utilizar el razonamiento de las propuestas teóricas más influyentes sobre la fonología de las lenguas naturales en el campo de la lingüística formal.25.0 %
entender y utilizar la terminología específica más usual en el campo de la fonética, la fonología y la morfología.25.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups606
Applied laboratory-based groups606
Applied computer-based groups04545

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Exercises30.050 %
Readings15.00 %
Working with it equipment30.050 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation10.0 % 30.0 %
Continuous evaluation70.0 % 90.0 %


First part:

1. Introduction. Production and perception of speech sounds.

2. Phonetics and phonology. Interrelation or differentiated areas?

3. Basic concepts of phonetics-phonology. Historical tour.

4. Field work. Experimental investigations.

Second part:

1. Acoustic phonetics and spectrographic analysis.

2. Suprasegmental phonology: mora, syllable, tone, accent, intonation.

3. Prosodic phonology.

4. Field work. Experimental investigations.

This evaluation system is designed for face-to-face teaching and will be adapted in the event that we enter a new state of health emergency and have to go to virtual teaching. In this case, the updated version of the program and the new evaluation system will be posted in the Egela virtual classroom.


Basic bibliography

- Introductions to phonetics and phonology:

Clark, John, Colin Yallop and Janet Fletcher. 2007. An introduction to phonetics and

phonology. [3rd edition]. Blackwell Publishing.

Davenport, Mike, and S. J. Hannahs. 2013. Introducing phonetics and phonology. [3rd edition]. London: Routledge.

- Phonetics:

Ashby, Patricia. 2011. Understanding Phonetics. Malden / Oxford: Blackwell.

Fernández Planas, Ana M. 2005. Así se habla. Nociones fundamentales de fonética general y española. Barcelona: Horsori.

Gil Fernández, Juana. 1990. Los sonidos del lenguaje. Madrid: Síntesis.

Ladefoged, Peter. 2001. Vowels and consonants. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Ladefoged, Peter. 2003. Phonetic data analysis. Blackwell Publishing.

Ladefoged, Peter, and Ian Maddieson. 1996. The sounds of the world’s languages. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Ladefoged, Peter, and Keith Johnson. 2011. A course in phonetics (6th ed.; with CD-ROM). Cengage Learning.

Martínez Celdrán, Eugenio, and Fernández Planas, Ana M. 2007. Manual de fonética española: Articulaciones y sonidos del español. Barcelona: Ariel.

- Phonology:

Gussenhoven, Carlos, and Haike Jacobs. 2017. Understanding phonology. [4th edition]. London: Routledge.

Hayes, Bruce. 2009. Introductory phonology. Wiley-Blackwell.

Odden, David. 2005. Introducing phonology. Cambridge University Press.

In-depth bibliography

To be presented in class in the presentation of the course.


Access to sounds in A course in phonetics and Vowels and consonants, by Peter Ladefoged

Access to sounds inn Handbook of the International Phonetic Association

Official web page of the International Phonetic Association

Interactive web page with IPA sounds

Access to acoustic analysis software Praat, used worldwide by phonetic practitioners.

Blog of Natural Phonology

John Ohala's web page

XSL Content

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