
XSL Content

Advanced Course in Typology

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

This advanced course on linguistic typology is taught within the ‘Historical Linguistics and Typology’ section. In this course, we will put in practice some of the skills needed to conduct any kind of research in typology, focusing on the morpho-syntax of languages. Our goal is to perform a similar work to the one performed in Basic Typology, albeit in the opposite direction; instead of fully describing typologically a specific language, the students will classify and characterize different languages according to a given pattern or feature, offering a reasoned account and adequate examples.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
MADARIAGA PISANO, NEREAUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorBilingualSlavic Philology


Capacidad de identificar patrones estructurales comunes a diversos sistemas lingüísticos en la morfología y la sintaxis, tanto a nivel sincrónico como diacrónico.25.0 %
Capacidad de comprender y emplear los términos y los principios metodológicos de la tipología moderna, así como las bases teóricas de las principales investigaciones actuales en tipología.25.0 %
Capacidad de identificar, a partir de los datos suministrados, los rasgos lingüísticos (morfosintácticos) dominantes y los que son más marcados o raros (tanto desde el punto de vista estructural como desde la perspectiva de la frecuencia).25.0 %
Capacidad de elaborar documentos de carácter académico en el ámbito de la tipología lingüística, así como de transmitir oralmente y de forma adecuada su contenido.25.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups12012
Applied computer-based groups04545

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Analysing and discussing papers5.00 %
Expositive classes10.040 %
Group discussion10.030 %
Individual work and/or group work20.00 %
Presentations and Papers10.030 %
Readings20.00 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Attendance and participation30.0 % 30.0 %
Essay, Individual work and/or group work70.0 % 70.0 %

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

- Work in class and exercises: 30% of final grade

- Final oral presentation: 30% of final grade

- Final written assignment: 40% of final grade

This evaluation system is designed for face-to-face teaching and will be adapted in the event that we enter a new state of health emergency and have to go to virtual teaching. In this case, the updated version of the program and the new evaluation system will be posted in the Egela virtual classroom

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

- Work in class and exercises: 30% of final grade

- Final written assignment: 70% of final grade

This evaluation system is designed for face-to-face teaching and will be adapted in the event that we enter a new state of health emergency and have to go to virtual teaching. In this case, the updated version of the program and the new evaluation system will be posted in the Egela virtual classroom


Typology of morpho-syntactic constructions and features:

(i) methodological considerations about typological research in morpho-syntax;

(ii) new approaches to word order;

(iii) sentence structure and predicate types;

(iv) causative and passive constructions;

(v) coordination, cosubordination and subordination.


Compulsory materials

WALS (World Atlas of Language Structures online).

Haspelmath, M., M. S. Dryer, D. Gil, B. Comrie (eds.), 2005, The World Atlas of Language Structures. Oxford, Oxford UP.

Basic bibliography

Croft, W., 2003, Typology and Universals, Cambridge, Cambridge UP.

Song, J. J. (ed.), 2011, The Oxford Hanbook of Linguistic Typology, Oxford, Oxford UP.

Vielupillai, V., 2012, An Introduction to Linguistic Typology. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Linguistic Typology

Studies in Language


Folia Linguistica






4) Linguistics universals of the University of Konstanz:

5) Surrey Morphological Group (feature list):

6) Matthew Dryer’s maps:

XSL Content

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