
XSLaren edukia

Gaur Egungo Ozeanografia Gaiak

Gaiari buruzko datu orokorrak


Irakasgaiaren azalpena eta testuingurua

An opportunity to be guided into the key literature on a variety of important contemporary topics at the forefront of Earth Science, Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Science Policy and Law and Marine Environmental and Resource Management.


Able to synthesise a body of knowledge on a given subject30.0 %
Able to critically assess the scientific literature on a wide range of topics.30.0 %
Able to make public oral presentations on the findings of current research.20.0 %
Write critical syntheses of knowledge for a given subject in a scientifically cogent style.20.0 %

Irakaskuntza motak

MotaIkasgelako orduakIkasgelaz kanpoko orduakOrduak guztira

Irakaskuntza motak

IzenaOrduakIkasgelako orduen ehunekoa
Informazio-azalpena62.540 %
Talde-lana125.040 %


IzenaGutxieneko ponderazioaGehieneko ponderazioa
Azalpenak30.0 % 30.0 %
Lan praktikoak70.0 % 70.0 %

Irakasgaia ikastean lortuko diren emaitzak

Al final de la unidad el estudiante debería ser capaz de:

1. Escribe textos científicos

2. Presentar resultados científicos

3. Comprender la investigación científica




To provide an opportunity for you to be guided into the key literature on a variety of important contemporary topics at the forefront of Earth Science, Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Science Policy and Law and Marine Environmental and Resource Management.


You will choose three key topics from a list of options in your specialist area (a reading list of seminal papers for these is provided, except for the MSc (MSPL/MER/MRM version).

You will be required to write a critical review and make a short oral presentation on each of your selected topics at weekly or fortnightly seminars.

Much of the learning will be through independent reading. The breadth of subject coverage is intended to broaden and deepen your knowledge of topical issues in your specialist area, as well as to develop scientific writing and presentation skills.

Teaching and learning methods

Seminars will be led by a variety of staff members with expertise in a range of important contemporary topics.

Reading will be guided by staff members, but much of the learning will be through independent reading and study by students who will also give oral presentations at seminar-style classes.

Supplementary material: Geophysics Seminar, NOCS Seminar programmes and WUN Seminars.

A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.

Resources and reading list

The lecture material is summarised at Instructions for accessing this material will be given during the course.

XSLaren edukia

Ezin izan da edukia sortu, beranduago saiatu. Arazoak aurrera jarraitzen badu, jarri harremanetan CAUrekin (Tlf: 946014400 / Email: / Web: