XSLaren edukia


Ezagutza arloa
Zientzia Esperimentalen Didaktika
Matematika, Zientzia Esperimental eta Gizarte Zientzien Didaktika
Posta elektronikoa

Graduate (1994) and Doctor in Biological Sciences (2000) by the UPV/EHU. Senior Professor in the Dept. of Didactics of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences of the Faculty of Education of Bilbao. He teaches in the Degrees of Primary Education (Nature Sciences) and Social Education (Education for Sustainability), as well as in the Master in Teacher Training (Earth Sciences), in the Master of Biodiversity, Management and Conservation of Ecosystems (Continental Water Regulations and River Restoration) and in the Master's Degree in Landscape, Territory and City (Ecological bases for the sustainable management of the Territory).

His research focuses on Science Education (how to better teach Earth and Life sciences) and on Education towards Sustainability, with special attention to water and territory. Likewise, he works actively in the field of forest and river restoration and in the dissemination of a New Water Culture.

He participates in research projects, publications, congresses and divulgation activities about scientific literacy related to water, territory, climate change, energy transition and the functioning of fluvial ecosystems. He has worked as a consultant in public and private institutions in the planning and management of protected natural areas and as a scientific advisor in river restoration projects.

XSLaren edukia

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